Reflective statement


Using journals throughout a school term can significantly benefit students, and it has been especially valuable for me. Keeping a journal has helped me stay organized and focused, allowing me to better understand and retain the material covered in class.

For this activity, consistency was crucial. If I let the classes pile up, I could lose the central focus of each class and have to revisit the material to regain the original idea. It was my first time doing this specific type of work. I had done similar activities, like a portfolio, but even though they are alike, they are not the same. This activity can be very useful for those who want to become teachers in the future. It can help students pay more attention in class and organize everything they learn. I admit that I still have a lot to learn and that my journals are not the best, but for this very reason, I must strive to improve.

In conclusion, journals help us keep track of the content we cover in our classes and provide easy access to each topic when needed. Personally, I think I deserve a grade of 8 or 9 for this particular activity.


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