
Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2024

Reflective statement

  Using journals throughout a school term can significantly benefit students, and it has been especially valuable for me. Keeping a journal has helped me stay organized and focused, allowing me to better understand and retain the material covered in class. For this activity, consistency was crucial. If I let the classes pile up, I could lose the central focus of each class and have to revisit the material to regain the original idea. It was my first time doing this specific type of work. I had done similar activities, like a portfolio, but even though they are alike, they are not the same. This activity can be very useful for those who want to become teachers in the future. It can help students pay more attention in class and organize everything they learn. I admit that I still have a lot to learn and that my journals are not the best, but for this very reason, I must strive to improve. In conclusion, journals help us keep track of the content we cover in our classes and provide easy a

Lesson planning

  Date: March 3 rd , 2024 By our seventh class, we had moved quite a bit past the IPA. Now, we focused more on an essential skill for any aspiring teacher: lesson planning. According to theory, lesson planning is the process of taking everything we know about teaching and learning, along with everything related to the students in front of us, and combining it to create a roadmap for how a class period will go. The name of this process gave me a hint about what it might be, but it didn’t really convey just how important it is for any teacher. Lesson planning helps both experienced and novice teachers plan their classes ahead of time. It helps them think about what will be taught on a specific day and how to do it, what methodological strategies are suitable for the topics, and how to organize everything. This process is crucial if we want to provide the best education possible to our students. When working with so much content and so many students at once, it's necessary to have a c

IPA and Phonics

  Date: February 09 th , 2024 In our fourth class, we move away from teaching methods as the main focus and move on to a topic that is equally revealing for anyone interested in learning or teaching a foreign language. We are talking about the IPA (International Phonetic Association). In 1886, three scholars founded the International Phonetic Association: Henry Sweet, Wilhelm Vietor, and Paul Passy. They later developed the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). In my opinion, the idea of representing specific sounds with symbols is brilliant. Not too long ago, not everyone had easy access to the internet or television, so unless you were in a language class, you couldn't always know exactly how to pronounce a specific word because of the wide variety of sounds humans can produce. The IPA was created to help students and teachers understand and teach the correct pronunciation of different sounds.

Teaching methodologies

  Date: February 02 nd , 2024 In our third class, we dug a bit deeper into how there are different teaching methods and how every civilization and teacher creates their own. We learned that every culture and people are different from each other, and because of this, different methodological approaches have come up in the field of teaching. As a student, I’ve had many teachers throughout my academic life, and I’ve seen various teaching strategies. No teacher is the same as another, each one has a different approach to passing on knowledge to their students. Our culture and where we grow up shape our lives a lot. For example, the language we learn as kids or our overall view of the rest of the world.


Date: January 26 th , 2024 In our second English Teaching class, we continue to learn about how culture and different variations of a language can affect the teaching or learning of a new language. For this class we use as an example a cultural aspect for the inhabitants of their country of origin, we talk about Kibun. We found out something really interesting about South Korean culture, something that, just by its name, you can tell is a foreign term you might not have heard before: “Kibun.” The name itself doesn’t give away the deep meaning behind this simple word. To put it simply, it’s a part of South Korean society, a cultural aspect that’s very important to people there. In short, “Kibun” is the word used to describe the social behavior expected of a Korean. Things that are super simple for the rest of the world might not be so simple in South Korea. For example, sharing your emotions or thoughts is frowned upon in Korea. As a Korean, you’re supposed to keep a low profile, even i

Mini Biography

Diego Cuellar Diego is a senior student in the English Applied Linguistics program at ICC and he is 22 years old, he has acquired substantial teaching experience through his community service in public schools. He has taught English to a wide age range of students, from 7 year olds to adults. Additionally, Diego has participated in various translation activities from English to Spanish throughout his academic years, enhancing his translation proficiency.